Attaining and Protecting Your Professional Nursing License

Personally, I don’t know exactly where I plan on becoming licensed by examination. I am currently choosing between Massachusetts, Florida and North Carolina. Massachusetts is not apart of the NLC while Florida and North Carolina are apart of it. I am going to write on North Carolina because that is where I am leaning towards the most. The application is completed and submitted through a web based and requires a transcript to be uploaded directly from the institution. All candidates must undergo a fingerprint based FBI criminal history check. All applicants must provider their fingerprints and the appropriate forms and fee to facilitate a criminal background check prior to the issuance of a license. If a nurse is found impaired the board is allowed to place nurse on probation, impose limitations and conditions, deny issuing a license and revoke a license or privilege to practice nursing in this state. They will also provide education and requires satisfactory completion of treatment programs or remedial/educational training. It also states that any person who has any cause to suspect misconduct or incapacity of a licensee shall report all relevant facts to the board and shall be immune from any criminal prosecution or civil liability resulting therefrom unless such person knew the report was false or acted reckless disregard of whether the report was false. The violation of any provision of the article shall be a class 1 misdemeanor and things that can help are Nursing Insurance to help keep you safe in a time where you slip up.

Prepare for Licensure #4

This reflection I going to be based on the ATI Pharmacology Practice B test that I took. This test went a lot smoother for me and I think it is because of already having the experience of doing the Pharmacology A practice test before this. This made me feel accomplished because it made me realize how much these remediations were helping me with other tests I take in the future and being able to remember certain things about medications that didn’t stick before. I believe that the remediations and the repetition of going through each question is extremely helpful. I also enjoy using the 3 critical points because sometimes it can be overwhelming to try to remember every single thing about a drug, but when you put it in the format of doing 3 of the most important points then its easier to remember for the future.

Something I did notice about myself is that since I was more confident this time around I was answering the questions much faster. This helped for some questions because it helped me not second guess myself but I know some of them I made stupid mistakes that could have been fixed by just reading through all of the answers fully. Ive realized that it is okay to answer the question fast if an answer is really sticking out to me but it is better to go back and really look through the whole question and all of the answers to ensure that I’m not making a reading error or missing out on a better option.

Something I can do better for the future tests is to make sure even when I’m confident going into the test that I still do all of the normal protocols such as highlighting and underlining the important things or key words. Sometimes this slips my mind when I go into a test I feel really confident on but I should be doing the same stuff I do for a test that I’m not so sure of and a test I am sure of. When it comes down to content, I can feel really confident about everything I have learned but in order to show that I have to be able to properly answer the nursing questions so I can display the things I’ve learned.

Post Interview Reflection

For my interview I decided to interview my father since he is a Clinical Leader on an Orthopedic floor and thought he would give some great insight being a leader in and out of the workplace. I am so glad I did this interview because it taught me a lot about my father as a person and as a leader. When asked about leadership in nursing he stated “There are opportunities all around us constantly to improve, but it is being able to take initiative by joining groups and continuing education even if it is just certificates and further training. Gradually being able to move up and take on those responsibilities as a leader is something that never goes unnoticed to others.” It was great to get insight from someone who has had so much experience and hearing it from someone my age who hasn’t even started their career was amazing. He also started off in the Army and found that he was able to get a lot of leadership training in Germany by doing leadership development classes and having such a structures routine really helped when going into the hospital. Something that surprised me was the topic about ethical dilemmas. When I asked how to deal with ethical dilemmas in his workplace he stated “There is an ethics committee that tries to get a consensus and involve different areas of expertise that can help you solve problems that not many nurses deal with on a day to day basis.” This was something that was really great for me to hear that goes on because it is comforting as a new graduate nurse to know that your not always expected to know everything, even as a highly experienced nurse, there are always resources and managers and leaders that has knowledge in certain spots that help the team dynamic to improve patient care. Something that really reinforced my prior knowledge was the topic of managing conflict. When asked about managing conflict he stated “Conflict always needs open communication and being objective. You have to deal with the objective information and not emotions about the situation to be able to maintain a proper work environment.” I thought my fathers insight on being a leader was extremely helpful to hear and also made me feel not as intimidated by the term, leader. Leaders are seen as the final destination when a problem happens but in reality, it is teamwork that makes the workplace running smoothly and having a proper leader that is able to stay organized and objective can make all the difference when dealing with conflicts. One thing I am going to take away with me from this interview is being sure to always look over my strengths and weaknesses as a nurse so I can constantly improve. It is really important to be aware that you will have weaknesses, every nurse does, but the first step to becoming stronger in that area is by realizing you need help and to not put too much pressure on yourself to rush the process because you learn something new everyday and knowledge is the key to continuing education in nursing.

Prepare for Licensure #3

This week I did an ATI that was based on Maternity/Newborn. I was looking forward to this because this is a subject that I am highly interested in and thought it would be great to improve my knowledge on this topic. I think this week I felt more confident about these questions, but I also think that made me rush through some of them a little too fast and not really read into the question. I found that for this exam I was focusing less on the answers and more the questions and if I thought it was something familiar to that topic I would choose that, but that didn’t allow me to critically think about all of the options. I also had some struggles with “priority” or “first” questions because its a word that can be very overlooked, especially on an exam.

To help myself get better at answering these questions I have been trying to put myself in the hypothetical questions and think about how I would realistically act in the moment because sometimes you overlook answers that are just simply positioning the client or checking the clients band. These are all things that need to be done for any interventions and they can easily be overlooked for a medication administration or an immediate intervention, but sometimes that is not the first step.
