Literacy Narrative

Rough Draft:

Final Draft:

As I revised this essay, I did have some troubles. I have never gone through such a long revision process where I looked at the details of my paper such as transitions and quote integration. I felt like getting feedback from multiple people was a big help for me, and one of the main points that helped me was asking questions. When I found something that wasn’t very clear and significant in my paper, I asked myself if it made sense and what about certain things I could add on. This made my paper much more detailed and richer and I think it is much easier for the reader to understand because I looked at different perspectives.

Part 1: Learning Outcome 1:

  • One of my favorite pieces of writing this year in this class was my literacy narrative. It was the first piece that I genuinely used the recursive process in and did substantial review and revision to. Before this paper, I felt that it was impossible to be able to correct my own drafts because I was certain that I had already written the best one. This is what held me back from trying to revise myself. I felt that I only needed other people to give me feedback or else I wouldn’t be able to edit my paper the proper way. I connected to Nancy Sommers for example, she emphasized “although they are using different words, they are sometimes merely restating the same idea with different words” (Sommers). This is what I felt like I was doing before this class, but then I began taking my drafts more seriously. I would try to make the best rough draft I could so when the time came to edit, I was making something that was already good, amazing. I would use the first draft to figure out my claims, topics, and organization piece. Then, I would look at the little details within my first draft and add evidence, analysis, naysayers, and text to text connections. This shined through in my literacy narrative and i was able to find areas for growth and to add details. For example, in my literacy narrative I wrote “In this piece, Dweck explained “But if you get the grade “Not Yet” you understand that you’re on a learning curve. It gives you a path into the future.” It related to how I was doing things just to get a good grade, and if I didn’t, I thought that I was a failure.” This displays my use of detail, analysis, framing, and text to text connections that I started to use once i realized my potential in revision.